Is the Computer 'DOING" anything?

Is the Computer 'DOING" anything?
What am I "DOING"?

Friday, 13 November 2009

Liz's Story - Headaches thing of the past.

Liz is a young lady in her early twenties, she came to me due to tension headaches which she had been suffering 3 to 4 a week for the last three years and they tended to last all afternoon. It is no coincidence that she also complained of shoulder and neck pain most of the time. Liz also reported that she found standing for long periods difficult. After just 3 lessons the headaches reduced and by lesson 6 she was no longer getting the headaches at all. As she has learned to support herself the tension has gone from her neck and back. How did this happen? Well Liz was standing completely out of support with her feet turned out with more of the weight on the insides of her feet. This created undue tension in her legs, narrowing her back and even creating excessive holding in the shoulders and neck all of which contributed to the headaches.
If you would like to find out how this could help you go to:

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Pupil survey

If you have had some lessons in the Alexander Technique please take a few minutes to complete the Society of Alexander Technique's survey online:
This we enable the Society to get an insight on the effects of lessons on pupils lives.
Many Thanks
Mark Claireaux
For lessons in Brighton go to :

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Kate's story......Hips.

Kate has had Alexander Lessons for many years and has been coming to me over the past year. Kate has a very challenging job and has to give many presentations. She has noticed that she feels much more grounded when giving presentations which impacts on her delivery.
Recently we have been spending more time on getting Kate in centred support. ( A position which frees up the whole body and joints). It has been quite a revelation and for the first time Kate's hips are freeing up. This feels really quite different to Kate and in the beginning can feel quite wrong. She felt as if she was leaning over but when she looked in the mirror this was not the case. Her hips really were freer and were ready to go into movement.
Sometimes we do concentrate on parts of our body that we feel we need to work on or fix in some way especially if we have pain. If we can learn to operate more out of centred support these problems can dissipate.

If you would like me to show you this go to: to book an appointment.

Alexander Technique for Performers

"Light up for the right notes" was a recent article in the Irish Times about the role of Alexander Technique in reducing pain for the performing arts. See full article:

As an Alexander teacher when I can get the person in centered support in standing or sitting this has a huge impact on their voice and/or playing. To find out more go to: