Is the Computer 'DOING" anything?

Is the Computer 'DOING" anything?
What am I "DOING"?

Monday, 23 July 2012


It’s truly amazing how fast technology is moving, I remember when my dad got his first mobile. The battery pack was so heavy he almost needed help to get it to the car.

These days we are surrounded by amazing Smart phones and tablets and find ourselves continuously plugged in.

However more and more people are getting ‘Computer Neck’, ‘RSI wrist or thumb’ as well as back and shoulder pain or even daily headaches etc. We blame modern technology but that doesn’t make us very SMART does it! We forget how we are using our own bodies in relation to these gadgets.

As I sit here typing this out it would be all too easy to get sucked in to my computer and my heavy head would drag my spine forward and down. Day after day that is going to have a cumulative effect and I’m going to struggle to get out of it. It might even effect the way I work out in the gym etc.

How many people do you see walking down the street dropping their whole neck column or poking their heads forward towards their iPads on the train? It’s a fun game but try not to be the ‘Posture Police’!

Could we evolve and spend a bit of time thinking about what WE are doing and how we are responding to this fast changing world.

We all had natural poise early on in life and we can get it back.

Luckily I was introduced to the Alexander Technique years ago, after suffering debilitating back and neck pain. I’m seeing younger and younger clients now suffering from technology induced pain. I teach them the skills to work much smarter so really it’s not WHAT you do but the WAY that you do it that counts!

An Alexander Technique teacher can get you out of these harmful habit patterns, it’s definately not about trying to have good posture ( I tried that and it hurt) but learning to move more efficiently and effectively and with very little effort.

Interested? Why not book a session today and start to move and sit  SMART.

1 comment:

TheRealJeffHall said...

Speaking as an IT professional and an AT teacher, I think the whole concept of LAP-top computers is flawed. It's not possible to position such a device on your lap comfirtably with fixed screen position and captive keyboard. If you are going to use it on your desktop, you will never be able to raise the creen to the correct height.

Get yourself a desktop PC with separate screen and keyboard. At least you then have the option of physically configuring them in a way that you can use them with less undue tension.