Is the Computer 'DOING" anything?

Is the Computer 'DOING" anything?
What am I "DOING"?

Monday 18 October 2010

Special offer for Alexander Awareness week.

Local teachers including myself have a stand at Hove library this week to celebrate International Alexander Awareness week. We are encouraging people to lie in the classic Alexander resting position (semi-supine) and we are offering an introductory session for just £20 until the end of the month.

So there's never been a better time to take up lessons for that neck or back pain or just to improve posture.

to reserve a discounted lesson go to:

Friday 15 October 2010

Back Care Awareness Week at Brighton's Jubilee Library.

We have a stand in the foyer of Brighton's Jubilee library this week. We are promoting the NHS funded trial, details of which were published in the British Medical Journal in August 2008. It states that "Lessons in AT give Long term benefit to lower back pain sufferers". ( After 24 Alexander lessons pain went from 21 days in pain for the control group to just 3 days in pain per month even 1 year after the trial started).
  We are giving tips including a leaflet on the classic Alexander resting position 'Semi'Supine' which is great for our backs. We have already given out over 200 leaflets and are getting a very positive response so come and meet your local Alexander Technique teachers. If you miss this event we are in Hove library next week from the 18th October.
Why not try a lesson for yourself at a discounted rate of £20 ( reg £32) until 31st October 2010.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Back Surgeon talks of the benefits of the Alexander Technique

Dr. Jack Stern, MD is a neurosurgeon in White Plains, New York specializing in spine neurosurgery. He is also a faculty member of the Yale University School of Medicine. In this interview, Dr. Stern talks with Robert Rickover about the usefulness of the Alexander Technique for people suffering from back pain who want to avoid surgery. Dr. Stern is regularly cited by New York Magazine as one of the top ten doctors in New York

Why not try The Alexander Technique for yourself - Brighton based