Is the Computer 'DOING" anything?

Is the Computer 'DOING" anything?
What am I "DOING"?

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Daniel's chronic back pain

Daniel came to me a few weeks ago with chronic lower back pain. He wasn't even able to sit on a chair in his first session. Tricky I thought so we worked with getting him more balanced on his feet, lying on a table in the classic semi supine position ( which he loves as it eleviates the pain) and leaning against a wall.
It was Daniels 4th session today and he is really pleased, he sat down straight away and we even got him to pick something off the floor without pain. Daniel says he has never moved like this before in his life and is amazed that his back isn't hurting as he moves about.

If you would like to try a session for yourself go to:

Headaches gone! Posture improved!

Yet another client Sanna has noticed that she's not getting those daily headaches. Many of my clients report this. I believe alot of this is to do with getting a freer head, neck and  back relationship (We call this 'Primary Control' in Alexander Technique), also improved breathing will also contribute. Sanna's overall posture has much improved, she is no longer TRYING  to sit and stand up straight (which involved pulling her head back and pulling her shoulders down). Sanna now feels a bit more comfortable in sitting and standing and it's less work for her too. Sanna's neck and shoulders no longer hurt like they used to either. Good work.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Louisa's story - shoulder and upper back pain

Louisa has been suffering from upper back and shoulder pain for some time. This is what she had to say after some Alexander lessons with me:
"I had constant upper back and shoulder pain prior to contacting Mark. I knew the problem was postural - born from sitting at a computer all day - but I didn’t know quite how to alleviate it. I tried the gym, osteopaths and pain killers but nothing provided long term relief. After a few weeks of lessons with Mark my pain lessened immensely and I generally felt freer and less tense. Alexander is a whole mind-body technique and the benefits from it have been immeasurable - way beyond alleviating my back pain! As a teacher, Mark is very knowledgeable and patient and the lessons themselves are informative and relaxing. Well worth the money." Louisa Cadman
Why not try a session for yourself:

Monday 20 September 2010

Mike's wife is pleased!

Mike has been having Alexander Technique lessons for some time resulting in better posture and no joint pain. This week Mike reported that his wife was very pleased as he no longer suffers from 'sleep apnea'.

Sleep apnea (or sleep apnoea in British English) is a sleep disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing or instances of abnormally low breathing, during sleep. Each pause in breathing, called an apnea, can last from a few seconds to minutes, and may occur 5 to 30 times or more an hour.
Breathing is interrupted by a lack of respiratory effort or, breathing is interrupted by a physical block to airflow despite respiratory effort and snoring is common.

An individual with sleep apnea is rarely aware of having difficulty breathing, even upon awakening. Sleep apnea is recognized as a problem by others witnessing the individual during episodes, like Mike's wife and this can be very disturbing.

Mike used to poke his head forward restricting his throat and wind pipe. Now his head , neck and back relationship ( called Primary Control in AT) is much better, his breathing and voice have improved too and this is probably why the sleep apnea has ceased.

Why not try an introductory session :

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Alexander Technique Group Classes

I'm now  teaching Alexander group classes at Brighton Natural Health Centre in the North Lanes. Next course starts Monday 13th September for 6 weeks, then  1st November for 6 weeks. Places are filling up fast for the first course so book up soon. To find out more or to book a session go to: